2% max recommended unless otherwise noted. 1% max recommended for soccer.
My Guy Elio & I were BACK AT IT AGAIN Last Night, on "The Unscripted Sportscast"!! We were BLESSED to have Anton Popov, from Warner University & Barton College, join us to share his journey towards the upcoming 2025 NFL Draft!! From his roots in Raleigh, NC... All the way to the FBS Tropical Bowl, this young man has PUT THE WORK IN on the field & in the classroom!! We want to wish him the BEST OF LUCK in his preparations for the Draft & We VERY MUCH APPRECIATE him taking the time to join us and talk some Football!! KEEP UP THE GRIND BROTHER & I FIRMLY BELIEVE the Future is BRIGHT no matter what road life takes you down!! KEEP AN EYE OUT FOLKS for another HIDDEN GEM in the 2025 NFL Draft!!!!
It's "Opening Day" they said.... Baseball's Back they said... Put in a few wagers they said... IT'LL BE FUN THEY SAID!! HABBERDASH!!!!! Baseball has IMMEDIATELY regained it's spot atop my MOST HATED SPORTS LIST!! Yesterday was an ABSOLUTE DUMPSTER FIRE Folks!!!! There's no two ways about it, and the worst thing is... It was lookin pretty decent for most of the evening!! DUKE IS DEAD TO ME, Hockey is the most UNPREDICTABLE sport on the planet, the NBA is ALWAYS TRASH, and I'm pretty sure I HATE Baseball WITH EVERY FIBER OF MY BEING ALREADY & we've still got a couple teams who haven't even played a game yet!! If you came in here expecting a "Rah Rah Sis Boom Ba" speech... You're gonna be HEAVILY DISAPPOINTED!! I'm not that guy & this ain't that place!! I'll ALWAYS call em like I see em, and what I saw yesterday was GARBAGE!! We got KICKED IN THE FACE & they made us LIKE IT!! We all know what Momma said, but damn it still STINGS don't it?? We'll try to put on a REVENGE TOUR Today, but I'd be lying if I said I was overly confident coming into Tonight... Hell, I felt REAL GOOD about yesterday, and look how that turned out!! So, with all that said, take my picks today for what they're worth... ...